Life Enrichment Interactive Activities

Please enjoy our Library of your favorite Benevilla staff and partners sharing interactive activities you and your loved one can participate in at home. You can also click below to see our full playlist of activities on Youtube. Thank you for your support.


See More Life Enriching Activities Here


Tony & staff at West Valley share a poem with you. May You Always Have An Angel By Your Side. Enjoy


Carmen is a Life Enrichment Partner at Lucy Anne’s place. Here she share her Peach cobbler recipe


Cathy at Lucy Anne’s place sharing some fun facts about Bald Eagles and their babies


Charlie with Benevilla and some trivia for the day


Sing with Connie Danks Support Group Facilitator, Life Coach, Program Entertainer at Benevilla.


Mary and Maeve sharing smiles with HPP and West Valley at Benevilla


Playing and learning with Ms. Gabby


Learn some trivia with Charlie at Benevilla