Benevilla FREE Home Services

Call (623) 526-4404 to enroll today.

The Benevilla Free Home Services program provides clients with a little extra assistance to maintain their independence. Services are available short- or long-term to those with limited resources and options. For additional resources, click here.

Grocery Shopping

Need help getting your groceries? That’s where our volunteers come in! Home Service Coordinators assign volunteers to clients. The volunteer collects the grocery list for the week, shops at the participating grocery store, delivers the groceries directly to the client, and returns to the store with the client’s payment, providing the personal care and assistance that forms long term relationships.

Assisted Transportation

Need to get to that doctor’s appointment, but can’t drive? Volunteers pick clients up at home and transport them to appointments such as medical visits. The volunteer waits during the appointment and then takes the client home. This arm in arm service provides a social opportunity and comfort level rarely found in other transportation services.

Business Assistance

Having trouble organizing your affairs? Have you lost a spouse who previously handled all of the family business? Trained volunteers visit clients at their home and help them organize personal, business and financial matters.


Need someone to fix that faucet or change that ceiling lightbulb? Skilled volunteers make minor home repairs for those who are unable to manage these tasks themselves.

Friendly Visitors & Phone Pals

Feeling all alone? Friendly Visitors provide clients with company and companionship in the comfort of the client’s own home. Visits can include work on a craft project together or simply be a time to chat. Phone Pals call clients on a regular basis for enjoyable conversation and wellness checks.

Now offered in the Southwest Valley including Litchfield Park, Goodyear, Avondale, Buckeye and Tolleson.

Please call (623)526-4404 or complete the form below
